What a promise!
With that, the week-long and violent uprising in Egypt should swiftly come to a reasonable conclusion. Saw on tv that Obama told Mubarak to "go" already and wondered whether that's the rabbit year in action. There should be less of natural calamities as the storm in the US northeast just raged and left, part of Queensland in Oz had been devastated by a similar weather quirk although La Nina is apparently in the cards this year. Something to watch and hold the rabbit to account.
Have you looked into how you and your own animal sign tangles with the rabbit's? It could be an interesting exercise if only to learn how accurate these predictions get to. I find it fascinating because astrology is borne out of observing planetary influences on people's birth charts and hence lives. For instance, it is said that Saturn has a very strong influence on my birth sign. From time to time, the planet Mercury they say goes into 'retrograde' meaning various means of communication could go haywire leading to confusion and misunderstanding. This latter I've observed to be real.
On another matter, yes, I've been unreliable with posts to this Blog. Apologies. I have however been reading posts of the 'Citizens of Never Land' and thoroughly enjoyed the brazen and oftentimes humorous content. All the best to us in this 'Year of the Rabbit'.
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